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This little guessing game from an oral description, allows you to
develop vocabulary, and therefore language, but also attention,
oral comprehension and the spirit of deduction.
The game consists of 64 question cards (the riddles) and 64 answer cards

in picture (the answers), accompanied by the name of the object to guess.


The chat pot is a tool to be used regularly to
encourage the little ones to oral communication and thus
develop their vocabulary and ideas.


You will find in this file several images of scenes
simple and colorful.
Each image has a theme that allows you to discover
vocabulary words related to it.
The most important words are grouped on the next page
the image.


Have fun learning about the alphabet.
Copy the letters with your finger and
then practice writing them. This little game will allow you to discover all the
letters of the alphabet.


Elmer is different from other elephants:

he is variegated and this difference displeases him. But he will discover that his uniqueness does not prevent him from remaining the same good Elmer to his friends.

I offer you the video of the story

of Elmer, so that the children can do

book activities.


2021 La Bulle ô Mômes

Nantes, france

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